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About us:
MAŃSKI s.r.o. is not just a global company; it’s my personal vision, born from my own life experiences. As someone living with Crohn’s disease, I’ve often faced countless challenges and difficult situations during my work travels. Too often, my illness has put me in tough spots far from home. From these hardships, the World Emergency Card was created—a lifeline I personally rely on. My goal is simple: to ensure that this card helps as many people as possible, just as it helps me.
I believe that no one should face emergencies alone.
Marek Lupieński
M A Ń S K I s.r.o.
Nr REGON: 08901651 z siedzibą w Nové sady 988/2, 602 00 Brno, Republika Czeska, zarejestrowana w Sądzie Rejonowym w Brnie pod numerem C116060.
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